Link Roundup: April 14, 2022

Join us on Tuesday, April 26 at 7pm for Religion & The Left Series: The Individual, the Collective, and the Common Good. This will be an interfaith event featuring Rabbi Robin Podolsky, Dr. James Mark Shields, and Rashad X.


Watch Professor Richard D. Wolff interview Prof. Joerg Rieger on Christian Socialism on his show Democracy at Work (interview starts at approximately 15:00 in):


Last year, at the DSA Religion and Socialism Working Group's conference on "Building the Religious Left," Rieger spoke about deep solidarity:

Watch last week's "Ending Agism" webinar, featuring Margaret Morganroth Gullette, author of 'Ending Ageism, or How Not to Shoot Old People,' Susan Chacin, long-term feminist activist, and Paul Garver, retired labor leader: