Linking, Thinking, Processing, Praying

By now you've probably read thousands of words of analysis of last week's election. Some are experiencing the choice of the majority of voters in the United States, however uninformed, to return a felon and aspiring authoritarian to the White House as a devastating threat to their lives and hopes, and 10 days on are preferring to withdraw in order to process. Respecting the time which such private reflection requires is something every person who takes socialist principles serious must do. But for those who process outwardly and are looking for yet more arguments and insights to help them be ready to act with solidarity in the days to come, Religious Socialism presents some readings here. Longtime RS contributor Andrew Wilkes asks us to go beneath the "should haves" and "could haves" to the underlying, insidious, and toxic assumptions of patriarchy so pervasive to our cultural water here. Robert P. Jones looks at the damage done by white Christianity in this election, while Mark Engler and Paul Engler forecast a rising of movements of resistance to the coming era. Peter Dreier makes 25 good points about what just happened. The National Council of Elders' Breaking the Silence project offers resources and webinars as well as videos that give some perspective that may be of some solace. Many RS members have recommended Buddhist Rebecca Solnit's writing; here are two pieces of hers, here and here. And our thanks to Travis Donoho for sending this video of her poem about joy as a strategy.

Image credit: Vox.